Last-Minute New Year’s Spoilers!

In this New Year’s Doctor Who special, Eve of the Daleks, the TARDIS crew have to reach a solution to a time loop trap that decreases by one minute every time the loop is reset. The episode is set in a storage facility in Manchester at ten minutes to midnight. The Doctor has landed the TARDIS to repair the damage it incurred from the Flux. The villains of the story are referred to as “execution Daleks.” This new type of Daleks have slightly different weapons, which they use to get revenge on the Doctor.

Lovesick Nick and oblivious Sarah join with the Doctor, Yaz, and Dan in what showrunner Chris Chibnall has described as a “romantic comedy with Daleks.” Director Annetta Laufer said she wants the audience to be left with “a feeling of happiness and a warm glow inside. After all the heavy months we have been through, I think everyone deserves a bit of magic and cheer.”

Doctor Who Gifts for the Holiday!

I was busy with family last week, but I’m back to show off my new holiday goodies–and the mask cover I made from an old Club T-shirt to wear at the Wholiday Party.

Somehow I had missed Series 8 in my collection, but thanks to the Guardian auction, that has been remedied. (The Pat Troughton animated DVD was a gift from a friend and fellow Club member.)

I also was determined to outbid anyone for the TARDIS lamp, not just because of all the time and effort I put into painting the lampshade—three different types of paint!—but because in a darkened room it looks like this:

Cool, huh?

More Auction Items

Additional items for the auction this Saturday include:

Doctor Who Series 8, parts 1 and 2 on DVD

Series 9, part 1 on DVD

The entire series of Class on DVD

And this item…

The base was donated by Juan of the Orlando Area Science-Fiction Society and I found a lampshade that worked with it. There are a couple of surprise features to this item that you’ll just have to come to the party to see!

Auction Items!

Here’s a few pics of the items to be offered at the Guardian auction next Saturday. First, for Doctor Who collectors, we have several new books, mugs, and a bust of Captain Jack.

Next, a few offerings for Star Wars fans.

And finally–Bam! Pow!–for Batman afficionados:

I am still re-vamping a recent donation, so check back in a day or two for one more Doctor Who item!

Party and New Year’s Spoilers?

Brief one, this, as I have begun preparing for the Guardians’ Wholiday Party and have so many ideas!

Besides the usual cast, the Doctor Who New Year’s special will feature

Now back to party planning. Hmmm, I think we’ll save the Doctors vs. Villians soccer game for a post pandemic meeting, but the Doctor Who Memory Game should be fine, as well as the piñata, auction, and photo ops….

Oh, and besides the expected holiday vibe, we have a secondary theme for next week—here’s a hint:

Watch the Gog Blog this week for more party posts, including details of items up for auction.

Episode 6 Spoilers?

This “last-minute spoiler” post will be brief, as I am only including links. Why? Because I have yet to see Episodes 4 and 5 myself, and I would really like to be surprised by at least one episode! Here are the most recent trailers for The Vanquishers, which airs on December 5 at 8pm ET on BBC America:

To view a breakdown of the trailers and unraveling of their clues by the great fans at, go here:

Doctor Who: Flux – ‘The Vanquishers’ trailer and image breakdown (

Just don’t tell me what you discover!